Welcome to Dolphins Softball Club

This is where you can add some more text about the club. Ie, a little about when the club was formed or what the values of the club are about. I have just copied what I found online to put below as an example.


Dolphins Softball Club was establish to provide & offer the opportunity for all interested the chance to participate in a fun team sport.

A sport that is not restricted to any age, gender, race or religion.

We aim to teach the highest level of team building and development whilst providing a safe, fun and friendly environment for all participants. We want to be able to give each player the opportunity to not only learn the basic skills needed to play Softball but to develop each player to their own abilities and give them a chance to represent the Association, NSW and Australia.

Our coaches will strive to teach the skills of Softball with a positive attitude and use positive reinforcement.

In addition to teaching Softball skills our coaches encourage the concept of great sportsmanship, including fair play and winning/losing gracefully.